Executive Summary for $GIC Coin Whitepaper


$GIC (Got Into Crypto) coin is intricately linked to the book project, "How I Met God & Got Into Crypto." This cryptocurrency venture goes beyond traditional finance by intertwining with a literary narrative that explores profound ancient themes of man’s search for meaning and God & modern day digital revolution. The book, with its inherent slogan “Got Into Crypto” -  serves to become a global mouthpiece for cryptocurrency to the world in an engaging manner, making the complex world of crypto relatable through a real-life experience and story.

$GIC (Got Into Crypto) coin is intricately linked to the book project, "How I Met God & Got Into Crypto." This cryptocurrency venture goes beyond traditional finance by intertwining with a literary narrative that explores profound ancient themes of man’s search for meaning and God & modern day digital revolution. The book, with its inherent slogan “Got Into Crypto” -  serves to become a global mouthpiece for cryptocurrency to the world in an engaging manner, making the complex world of crypto relatable through a real-life experience and story.


Our mission is to democratize the understanding of cryptocurrency and its potential impacts by leveraging the universal appeal of storytelling. $GIC coin is designed not just as a cryptocurrency but as a key to unlocking a series of educational and financial opportunities. It aims to redefine blockchain utility for creative professionals, including authors and artists, providing them with new ways to monetize and gain control over their works - and also giving the community a share of profit in the success of the book - an industry first.


Fundraising: Launch $GIC coin to raise the necessary capital to support the publication of the book and the production of a corresponding OTT series.

  • Cryptocurrency Adoption: Utilize the book and its compelling theme and narrative to simplify and spread knowledge about cryptocurrencies, aiming to increase mainstream acceptance and adoption.

  • Educational Content: Provide in-depth, accessible content about the crypto world through various formats, encouraging learning and exploration within the community.

  • OTT Series Development: Create a compelling OTT series based on the book that will further engage audiences and expand the project’s reach and impact.

  • Community Building: Unleash the power of Blockchain to create and engage with a community that benefits financially from the success of the book.

Industry Impact

The $GIC project is poised to revolutionize the book publishing and entertainment industries by integrating blockchain technology into the creative process. By doing so, it introduces novel revenue models for artists and authors, enabling them to directly benefit from their success through mechanisms like profit-sharing and enhanced rights management. This model not only boosts the potential earnings for creatives but also encourages a more equitable distribution of resources within the industry, setting a precedent for how blockchain can be leveraged by creators across various sectors.



The genesis of "How I Met God & Got Into Crypto" lies in a transformative period following the viral success of a TEDx talk by the author and sudden disappearence. In seeking solutions to the profound educational and existential questions raised during the talk, the author inadvertently found himself embarking on a three-year retreat to a monastery. This period of deep reflection and disconnection from the modern world unexpectedly steered him towards the mysteries of life and dynamic realm of cryptocurrencies. The book chronicles this journey, connecting the dots between the seemingly disparate spiritual pursuit and God and the cutting-edge world of crypto, offering a unique narrative that intertwines personal growth with technological innovation.

Purpose of the Coin

$GIC coin, standing for "Got Into Crypto," is not merely a digital currency but a cornerstone of a larger movement. We envision “Got Into Crypto” to become a slogan for all those who discover the wonders of this modern day revolution via the book or otherwise. It is designed to support the project's goals by:

  • Facilitating Access: Coin holders gain exclusive early access to the book, additional content, and interactive platforms.

  • Encouraging Engagement: Through profit-sharing from book sales and potential revenues from the OTT series, $GIC incentivizes not only investment but active participation in the community.

  • Enhancing Experiences: Holders can use $GIC to influence certain narrative elements in the OTT adaptation, fostering a deeper connection between the audience and the content.

  • Airdropping Readers: Readers who discover the beauty of crypto for the first time after reading the book can get free $GIC coins making it their first advent into crypto thereby able to claim “Got Into Crypto”

Book Synopsis

"How I Met God & Got Into Crypto" is a two-volume series that guides readers through an intriguing narrative of self-discovery and innovation. Volume One sets context and delves into the author's early years through an archaic education system, consequently finding glaring truth behind its sinister design, in the process founding an award-winning startup and writing a bestseller book. It is then in his pursuit of solving the global education system problem and self-discovery, that he meets someone mysterious and ends up spending over 3 years in a monastery, exploring profound life lessons.

Volume Two delves deeper into the author’s deep unraveling of the secrets of life, chronicling his journey into mystical places and meeting a series of mysterious people. Later, as the author returns to the modern world, applying the learned principles to navigate and shape through life afresh, a strange series of incidents would lead him towards the tumultuous yet wonderful world of crypto. Together, these volumes not only recount a personal journey but also illuminate the broader implications of integrating life’s philosophies with blockchain technology.

For an exclusive peek into the Intro and Preface, click here.

Purpose of the Coin

$GIC coin, standing for "Got Into Crypto," is not merely a digital currency but a cornerstone of a larger movement. We envision “Got Into Crypto” to become a slogan for all those who discover the wonders of this modern day revolution via the book or otherwise. It is designed to support the project's goals by:

  • Facilitating Access: Coin holders gain exclusive early access to the book, additional content, and interactive platforms.

  • Encouraging Engagement: Through profit-sharing from book sales and potential revenues from the OTT series, $GIC incentivizes not only investment but active participation in the community.

  • Enhancing Experiences: Holders can use $GIC to influence certain narrative elements in the OTT adaptation, fostering a deeper connection between the audience and the content.

  • Airdropping Readers: Readers who discover the beauty of crypto for the first time after reading the book can get free $GIC coins making it their first advent into crypto thereby able to claim “Got Into Crypto”

Industry Innovation

$GIC coin represents a pioneering model in the creative and publishing industries. By integrating cryptocurrency with literary content, the project offers a blueprint for how artists and authors can leverage blockchain technology for:

  • Direct Monetization: Through direct sales and profit-sharing, creatives can retain greater control over their earnings, reducing reliance on traditional publishing and distribution models.

  • Audience Interaction: Blockchain technology enables new forms of audience engagement and participation, allowing readers and viewers to contribute to content development and decision-making processes.

Intellectual Property Management: With smart contracts, authors can manage rights and royalties more efficiently and transparently, ensuring fair compensation for their work.

A successful pre-sale of $15M can potentially send shockwaves across the book and media publishing industry with respect to the dramatic possibilities blockchain offers artists that were previously unheard of.

Market Analysis

Current Market Conditions

The cryptocurrency market continues to evolve rapidly, with increasing integration into various sectors, including education and the arts. Projects that combine educational outreach with cryptocurrency, such as educational tokens and platforms that simplify the learning process for blockchain technology, are gaining traction. Meme coins, characterized by their viral nature and community-driven value, also hold a significant place in the market, often catalyzing user engagement and adoption on a large scale. The $GIC project sits at the intersection of these trends, offering both educational value and the communal engagement typical of meme coins, but with a structured economic foundation.

Target Audience

The primary audience for $GIC includes:

  • Crypto Enthusiasts: Individuals already familiar with cryptocurrency and looking to diversify their portfolios with tokens that offer additional value beyond speculative trading.

  • Educational Seekers: Those new to crypto or seeking to deepen their understanding, attracted by the project’s educational offerings.

  • Literature and Art Lovers: Readers and art enthusiasts drawn to the novel’s narrative and the innovative integration of crypto elements.

  • Demographics: Primarily younger audiences (ages 20-40), tech-savvy, and distributed globally, with a particular interest in technology, finance, and literature.

  • Psychographics: Values innovation, education, and inclusivity. Looks for investments that offer both financial returns and personal or community engagement.

Competitive Analysis

While there are numerous educational tokens and meme coins in the market, $GIC differentiates itself by:

  • Bridging Literature and Crypto: Uniquely merging a literary approach with cryptocurrency, providing a tangible product — the book — that educates on crypto principles.

  • Sustainable Profit Sharing: Unlike typical meme coins that rely heavily on market speculation, $GIC offers a structured revenue model through book sales and associated media.

  • Community-driven Development: Engaging the community in decision-making processes for the book and subsequent series, fostering a stronger connection and sustained engagement.

Impact on Publishing and Arts

Blockchain technology promises to significantly alter the landscape of the publishing and arts sectors by:

  • Democratizing Publishing: Allowing authors and artists to bypass traditional gatekeepers, thereby retaining more control and a higher percentage of profits.

  • Enhancing Copyright Management: Leveraging smart contracts for transparent and enforceable copyright management, ensuring artists and authors are fairly compensated.

  • Fostering Direct Artist-Audience Relationships: Reducing the distance between creators and consumers, allowing for more direct feedback and interaction, which can be particularly beneficial in iterative creative processes.


The market analysis reveals a fertile environment for a project like $GIC, poised to capitalize on several key trends: the growing integration of crypto with everyday life, the appeal of meme coins, and the transformative potential of blockchain in education and the arts. $GIC’s approach not only aligns with these trends but also offers a unique convergence of them, presenting a robust case for potential growth and impact.


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